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Worked as a consultant in systems development activities for over 15 years. Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) and MTAC (Multi-Plataform Technical Audience Contributor) program participant. Bachelor in Information Systems, specialization in Software Engineering, and MBA in Business Intelligence. He is also a lecturer and technical author on portals and specialized magazines, focusing on Microsoft technologies and good practices in the software area.

9 Articles18 Comments

What’s New in C# 12 – Using Primary Constructors in Classes and Structs

Capacity was previously restricted to the use of Records with C# 12. We can now also use Primary Constructors in the class implementation...


What’s New in C# 11 lowercase class name warnings

C# keywords are special identifiers from the point of view of the C# compiler and are normally associated with basic implementations such as...


.NET + xUnit categorizing and organizing tests with Traits

When using xUnit implementation of tests in .NET, it is more than common to code numerous types of validations, thus guaranteeing the validity...


Mocking Test in .NET 7 example using Moq, xUnit, and Fluent Assertions

In this article, I present an example of using Mock Objects in .NET 7, based on a project created in previous versions of...


What’s New in .NET 8 Setting Disallowed Values ​​with DeniedValuesAttribute

In a previous article about .NET 8 news, I covered the AllowedValuesAttribute type use, a Data Annotation that integrates the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace that...


What’s New in C# 12 Using an Alias ​​to Reference a Type

Microsoft announced last Tuesday (11/04) some features planned for C# 12, the new version of the language scheduled to be released together with...


What’s New in .NET 8: Setting Possible Values ​​with AllowedValuesAttribute

During March/2023, Microsoft made Preview 2 of .NET 8 available, with several improvements involving using Data Annotations. More information can be found in...


.NET 8 first tests with Preview 1 + JSON deserialization improvements

At the end of February/2023 – Tuesday, 02/21 – Microsoft made available .NET 8 Preview 1, the first release of this new version...


What’s New in C# 8.0 Default Interface Members

This past month of May/2019 was quite hectic within the .NET community, with the announcement of new updates for Visual Studio 2019 and...