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Cloud solutions allied with companies, but also with developers

In a global scenario, where technological innovation is constant, standing out from the competition by meeting customer needs is a differential. In this sense, more companies are starting to use innovative cybernetic resources, bringing a competitive advantage, and adding more possibilities for the internal IT team.

One way to stand out from the competition is to efficiently build, run and deliver secure services; The use of the cloud – also known as the cloud – has grown for this purpose. A good option for organizations that want more agility, cost control, and geographic freedom for their operations.

Cloud usage is a reality and is gaining more and more space in the technology sector. In a study by Nutanix’s Enterprise Cloud Index (ECI) of 1,700 IT decision-makers globally, 64% of respondents expect to operate in a multi-cloud environment within one to three years. Additionally, over a third (36%) use the cloud as their primary IT environment model.

Some positive changes that cloud resources can bring to companies are greater availability of innovative resources and services, a large number of tools for cybersecurity teams; rapid updating of IT environments; more efficient management and cost visibility; more agility and improved customer experience, and greater processing capacity close to the edge, reducing latency.

But why can the cloud be an ally for developers?

Cloud software development has been changing the way humans interact with technology. Businesses and individuals benefit from improved accessibility and less complexity thanks to cloud computing.

The first factor that proves to be favorable to developers is the labor market. More and more companies need qualified technology professionals. Data from the Brazilian Association of Information and Communication Technology Companies (Brasscom) estimate that there will be a demand for 797,000 workers in the technology area by 2025, and cloud developers are on this equation.

The IT professional who acts as a cloud developer develops tools for using cloud computing. It creates applications and data storage solutions, as well as being able to manage user sessions. In this way, the cloud optimizes the work of cloud professionals due to the mobility it brings. For example, it makes it possible to develop and access applications at any time.

With cloud solutions, data migration happens faster, and high scalability is acquired, giving more power to the server, taking into account the company’s demand. In addition, they can be allies of developers since many large companies bet on the cloud to develop their services and products.

Cloud developers can contribute to creating virtual servers with a high degree of security that streamline their routine, as they may be able to meet demands and with better cost-effectiveness.

Furthermore, the developer’s work can be enhanced when a company has an efficient and secure cloud solution, as this makes it easier to focus on application development and other demands instead of issues related to the infrastructure and security of internal environments. Finally, cloud platforms can save developers money, as a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider can offer discounts due to the possibility of accessing applications versus purchasing software. They can include these cloud benefits in the specific conditions for purchasing your software.

And how do companies benefit from having expert cloud developers?

With cloud developers developing and deploying cloud solutions, it will be possible to have real-time resources and offer better services to customers. In addition, these professionals can dynamically work alongside other company teams by adopting agile methodologies to optimize time in the execution of IT projects.

They can also contribute to the project budget preparation in the execution and elaboration of the product, which facilitates the organization’s cost management. They will also make it easier to adjust the product to the user’s needs, as a cloud developer can perform tests and correct system errors, better meeting the customer’s needs.

It is clear how cloud landscape solutions are evolving rapidly, and this represents opportunities for companies and developers. The technology sectors of organizations must carefully choose the most suitable options for their business, and hire cloud developers or security partners who understand the real business need combined with the technological solutions needs. Enjoying the best that each of these actors has to offer is an equation that can bring success to everyone involved.

*The content of this article is the author’s responsibility and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of iMasters.

Written by
Helder Ferrao

Helder has been working in the technology market for over 30 years and has held executive positions in companies in different segments, such as Citibank, J.P.Morgan, AT&T, Hughes Telecomunicações, Lógica Tecnologia, and Exceda. He is a Marketing Manager for Industries for Latin America, analyzing trends in technological development and digital transformation in different markets and how Akamai can contribute to its clients in this evolution.

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