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Cloud & Infra

Blockchain and smart contracts: Key fundamentals to remember

Smart contracts introduce a completely secure algorithm for conducting business relations by using some prominent features of blockchain technology ** and Crypto...


Malware risks lurk in every direction, with DDoS attacks topping the list

According to a recent Radware report, the global number of DDoS attacks has increased by 150%, while the volume of DDoS attacks...

Data & AI

How Data Centers Software Will Handle the Future Data Explosion

Moore’s Law has been an essential principle in the evolution of IT over the decades. In simple terms, it predicts that the...

Teams & Career

Courses and learning paths help tech developers and students to stay in sharp

The technology area presents innovations at great speed, with updates and new features being released all the time, especially in the development...

BackendSem categoria

Laravel & MongoDB, learn more about embedded documents

Hello everyone! In this post, I’m talking a little about how we use MongoDB with Laravel at Convenia and what advantages it...