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José Carlos is a reference in Visual Basic in Brazil, books author "Aprenda Rapid: ASP" and "ASP, ADO and Banco de Dados on the Internet", and maintainer of the website.

6 Articles34 Comments

EF Core using AsNoTracking with Identity Resolution

Today we will see the consequences of using AsNoTracking with the Identity Resolution feature available from EF Core 5.0 onwards. I’ve already introduced...


Understand key features added in ASP.NET Core 7.0

Version 7.0 of the .NET platform brought many new features in this article I will focus on the main resources that were added...


How to spice up Swagger documentation using annotations in ASP .NET Core (part 2)

Continuing the first part of the article, we will now see how to generate the documentation without having to generate the XML file....


Swagger – Improving documentation with annotations – II

Today we’ll look at how to spice up Swagger’s documentation using annotations in ASP .NET Core. Continuing the first part of the article,...


How to spice up Swagger documentation using annotations in ASP .NET Core.

In .NET 6, when we create an ASP.NET Core Web API project by default, we can use or not controllers. We can also...


Practical and basic recommendations for building web APIs with ASP.NET Core

REST APIs allow various clients, including browsers, desktop apps, mobile apps, and any device with an internet connection, to communicate with a server....