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Quick tip: Test result with K6

Hey guys, what’s shaking? Here’s a quick post about the results of a test with the K6. I’ve already seen some materials...


How to Create a Skill for Amazon’s Virtual Assistant Alexa

If you didn’t know, it is not necessary for an Amazon Echo device to develop skills for your platform, but if you are...

Cloud & Infra

Transitioning from a ticket-oriented to a product-led mindset on an infrastructure team

When I joined an infrastructure team as a manager at will bank I saw a bunch of improvement opportunities. A specific one was...


The X of Xamarin Forms — Splash Screen

Hey guys, The first impression is the one that lasts: the creator of this phrase at the time didn’t have a printer. ba...


The X of Xamarin Forms — My App Is Secure — Part 1

Security is a very important point and little discussed when we talk about software development. As much as it is a topic that...


The APIs role in a 5G world

5G is about to revolutionize how we connect and use technology daily. With its unprecedented data traffic speed, ultra-low latency, reliability, and greater...


Why I like Go’s error handling

One of the most controversial issues in the Go language is how to handle errors. I remember when I started working with the...


Best practices you can use when making your commits

See in this article some of the good practices that you can use when giving your commits The idea of ​​this post is...


ERC-721 Smart Contract Tutorial (NFT) with Solidity (part 3)

This tutorial is part 3 of a series where I am teaching how to build smart contracts for NFT collections using the ERC-721...