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How to implement a function using context

In this post, we will implement a function that uses context. In the calling example, I will use the WithTimeout context. In this...


How to fuzz test for HTTP requests (part 1)

At the 2022 edition of GopherCon Brasil, I had the pleasure of speaking about the Fuzz Test. It was cool because during the...


Axios Interceptors Tutorial

Axios is, without a doubt, the most popular HTTP client in the JavaScript world, and I dare say it is more popular even...


Practical and basic recommendations for building web APIs with ASP.NET Core

REST APIs allow various clients, including browsers, desktop apps, mobile apps, and any device with an internet connection, to communicate with a server....


Why CISOs are making API security a top priority

A CISO’s mission is to enable the company to advance key growth initiatives while reducing risk. To do this, they must continually assess...


Event Driven with Laravel Pigeon

Hey guys. Event-driven is a very widespread architecture in microservices because it promotes decoupling between different services. At Convenia, we opted for this...