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Performant A/B Testing with Cloudflare Workers

Performant A/B testing has sort of been the white whale of the web performance industry for a number of years now. While most...


Training is the main Web3 bottleneck in Brazil

Despite the Metaverse and the NFTs having gained a lot of space in the traditional media in recent times, the terms are still...


.NET + xUnit categorizing and organizing tests with Traits

When using xUnit implementation of tests in .NET, it is more than common to code numerous types of validations, thus guaranteeing the validity...


Best practices you can use when pushing your commits

See in this article some good practices that you can use when pushing your commits. This post idea is to be something quick...


How to find out client and server IP using Golang

Recently I ran into an interesting problem. I needed to upload a small REST service to manage some hardware: all without human contact...


Best cybersecurity practices should integrate the entire code and application development cycle

Internet security has been hotly debated in recent years. Users began to give more importance to the topic as they began to understand...