During March/2023, Microsoft made Preview 2 of .NET 8 available, with several improvements involving using Data Annotations. More information can be found in...
By Renato Groffe3 de maio de 2023At the end of February/2023 – Tuesday, 02/21 – Microsoft made available .NET 8 Preview 1, the first release of this new version...
By Renato Groffe1 de maio de 2023I recently started an NFT smart contract programming tutorial in Solidity, using the ERC-721 standard here on the blog, and this is the...
By Luiz Fernando Duarte Jr.1 de maio de 2023One of the most controversial issues in the Go language is how to handle errors. I remember when I started working with the...
By Elton Minetto30 de abril de 2023According to a recent Radware report, the global number of DDoS attacks has increased by 150%, while the volume of DDoS attacks increased...
By Eva Abergel26 de abril de 2023The last quarter put a spotlight on advances in generative AI and the possibilities for its application to deliver more assertive business outcomes....
By Judson Althoff26 de abril de 2023Bubble.io is a low-code web development platform that allows anyone to build web apps with no programming knowledge required. One of the platform’s...
By Vinicius Goncalves23 de abril de 2023REST APIs allow various clients, including browsers, desktop apps, mobile apps, and any device with an internet connection, to communicate with a server....
By Jose Carlos Macoratti22 de abril de 2023What is Multi-Tenant? It is an architecture in which a single application instance serves multiple clients. Each customer is called a Tenant. Tenants...
By Douglas Carlos Men22 de abril de 2023SOLID is an acronym that stands for five principles in object-oriented software design: Single ResponsabilityOpen-ClosedLiskov SubstitutionInterface SegregationDependency Inversion Principle Although Go is not...
By Tiago Temporin20 de abril de 2023