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Archive 4 Columns

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Cybersecurity: Building a human firewall

We recently started a journey of awareness and training related to information security and GDPL with all our employees. The platform chosen to...


.NET 8 first tests with Preview 1 + JSON deserialization improvements

At the end of February/2023 – Tuesday, 02/21 – Microsoft made available .NET 8 Preview 1, the first release of this new version...


Dependency Injection in real life with PHP

Today I will write about this topic because I realize that some software developers have difficulties using dependency injection concepts in real applications....


Improving the terminal

The terminal is probably the tool I use the most in my day-to-day life. Over the years, I’ve created a series of shortcuts,...


Training is the main Web3 bottleneck in Brazil

Despite the Metaverse and the NFTs having gained a lot of space in the traditional media in recent times, the terms are still...


Quick tip: Test result with K6

Hey guys, what’s shaking? Here’s a quick post about the results of a test with the K6. I’ve already seen some materials talking...


Learn now Event Driven architecture with Laravel Pigeon

Hello everyone, event-driven is a very widespread architecture in microservices as it promotes decoupling between the different services at Convenia, we chose this...


How can the developer benefit from low code technologies?

One of the biggest myths in the area of ​​application development is that tools like low-code and no-code add little to the work...


Swagger – Improving documentation with annotations – II

Today we’ll look at how to spice up Swagger’s documentation using annotations in ASP .NET Core. Continuing the first part of the article,...


Three ways to help your DevOps team with CI CD

In the last decade, several organizations have struggled to adopt DevOps practices to deliver software faster and more efficiently. Automation is key to...


What’s New in C# 12 Using an Alias ​​to Reference a Type

Microsoft announced last Tuesday (11/04) some features planned for C# 12, the new version of the language scheduled to be released together with...

Cloud & Infra

Dynamic LCP Priority: Learning from Past Visits

Earlier this year, Chrome shipped the new Priority Hints API, which lets developers set fetchpriority="high" on <img>, <script>, <link> or other elements that you want to ensure are loaded with...